comfortable and enjoyable
safe and healthy
for home and telework
PlyGo   Nowadays users spend more and more time in front of electronic devices, sometimes for 10 hours a day and 7 days a week, and scientific and medical studies show that prolonged and continuous daily activity in front of laptops or tablets may cause pathologies, such as “techneck”, sore eyes, aches and pains in the back, neck and wrists.
If no precautions are taken, using laptops or tablets for long hours everyday, is likely to cause computer related injuries or pathologies.
  Moreover, electronic devices emit more or less heat when in use, and hours of skin exposure to relatively high temperatures may cause changes in skin pigmentation ("Burnt skin sindrome") and even male infertility: temperature and stresses may be harmful for stomach, genital organs, skin, neck, back, joints, circulatory system... PlyGo


  By raising laptops and electronic devices in the air, over its two little folding arms, above the body, and by preventing contacts, PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo protects from the development of such heat-caused pathologies. PlyGo
  The PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo stand allows to support and lift laptops and electronic devices not only above desks and tables, but also above thighs or abdomens, when resting on armchairs, sofas, or beds, with no contacts nor pressures on the body. That results in a more ergonomic, comfortable, enjoyable and healthy utilization of PCs, laptops and electronic devices, even when prolonged or when lying down, allowing to prevent pathologies and to move, stretch or cross the limbs, for a better blood circulation. PlyGo
PlyGo   Thus, PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo allows a comfortable and correct use of laptops, particularly when lying down, and an increased productivity, while avoiding unhealthy postures, pressures and overheating.
  By lifting PC laptops above tables, cloths, carpets, blankets, cushions..., PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo insures laptops an excellent cooling, thus a better functioning and an extended lifetime. PlyGo
PlyGo   Comfortable, healthy and ergonomic, PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo raises displays up to eye level, reduces the occurrence of ”tech neck” and other aches, eliminates pressures or heating on the body when using electronic devices on sofas or beds, while still allowing to stretch and move the legs.
  The PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo stand can raise the height of laptops, tablets, or smartphones screens by up to 24 cm (and up to 50 cm if using optional accessories), bringing them up to eye level, and allows users not to bend, twist and stretch their backs, necks, shoulders, arms and hands inappropriately.
   PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo can improve the posture of users and maintain electronic devices in stable and safe positions, relieving users from various pains to neck, back, shoulders, wrists, hands, as well as eyes, and from temperature and pressure discomfort on laps, genitals, abdomen, stomach.
   PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo also facilitates PCs and tablets users to comfortably and safely telework from home, thus avoiding contagious diseases, peak hours congestion and unnecessary travelling, so preserving the environment. PlyGo
PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand.


PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand.