environment friendly
repairable by spare parts
reusable or recyclable
   PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo is durable, designed to stand the test of time, sustainable, environment friendly, highly suited for telecommuting, nomad work and working from home. Moreover, it is repairable by spare-parts and its components are reusable and recyclable. PlyGo

PlyGo   The ergonomic and ultra-portable PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo stand is an excellent support to facilitate telecommuting from home, or from coworking spaces, or from other convenient locations: its portability allows users, telecommuters, remote and nomad workers to support their laptops or tablets during their necessary travelling, and its adaptability and ergonomic value allows to settle well in good and healthy positions, in particular when working from home, reducing the risks of posture-related pathologies and of exposure to contagious diseases.

  By facilitating PCs and tablets users to comfortably and safely telework from home, avoiding epidemics, peak hours and unnecessary travelling, PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand. PlyGo can also help in reducing traffic congestion, mortality and pollution, contributing to save resources, time, lives and noxious emissions. PlyGo

PlyGo   A flexible and reasonable application of remote telecommuting and teleworking from home is thus highly beneficial for climate, environment, economy, companies, employment, health and society, in other words, highly beneficial for sustainable development.


PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand.


PlyGo_the best ergonomic and ultraportable stand.